-- Machine generated MIB file, do not edit! -- -- MIB file for CHD1812-1, type code 42.13, software label 944 -- Generated on Friday, 19-Feb-21 11:02:24 UTC -- CVS $Id: CHD1812-1_4213_sw944.mib,v 1.1 2021/02/19 11:02:25 til Exp $ -- -- Copyright 2003-2021 by LYNX Technik AG -- -- These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain -- unpublished proprietary information written by LYNX Technik AG and -- are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed -- to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or -- in part, without the prior written consent of LYNX Technik AG. -- CHD1812-1-4213-sw944-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC2579 MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC2580 mib-modules, products, FixedPointValue1, FixedPointValue2, FixedPointValue3, OnOffValue FROM LYNX-SMI; chd1812-1-4213-sw944 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202102191102Z" ORGANIZATION "LYNX Technik AG" CONTACT-INFO "LYNX Technik AG Brunnenweg 3 64331 Weiterstadt http://www.lynx-technik.com mailto:support@lynx-technik.com" DESCRIPTION "MIB module definition for CHD1812-1, type code 42.13, software label 944" REVISION "202102191102Z" DESCRIPTION "Generated by LYNX Asset Database" ::= { mib-modules 16915944 } chd1812-1-4213 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX device type CHD1812-1" ::= { products 16915 } sw944 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software label 944" ::= { chd1812-1-4213 944 } -- Type definitions TypeFactoryReset ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { press(0) } TypeStatusColor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), red(1), green(2), yellow(3) } TypeStatusColorRGB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n000000(0), ff0000(1), n00ff00(2), ffff00(3) } TypeAudioBitDepth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n20Bit(0), n24Bit(1) } TypeSDIOutputResolution ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), sdtv(1), n720p(2), n1080i(3), n1080p(4) } TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), on(1), auto(2) } TypeHDMIAudioStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), present(1), presentX(2) } TypeInputMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { dvi(0), hdmi(1) } TypeHDMIAudioType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { notEmbedded(0), stereo(1), surround(2) } TypeHDMIColorspace ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { rGBLimited(0), rGBFull(1), yUV601(2), yUV709(3), xVYCC601(4), xVYCC709(5), yUV601Full(6), yUV709Full(7), sYCC601(8), adobeYCC601(9), adobeRGB(10) } TypeHDMIBitDepth ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n8Bit(0), n10Bit(1), n12Bit(2), n16Bit(3) } TypeReferenceLock ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(0), lockedToHDMI(1), lockedToREF(2) } TypeRefInStandard ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), invalid(1), n525(2), n625(3), n720p60(4), n720p5994(5), n720p50(6), n720p30(7), n720p2997(8), n720p25(9), n720p24(10), n720p2398(11), n1080i60(12), n1080i5994(13), n1080i50(14), n1080p60(15), n1080p5994(16), n1080p50(17), n1080p30(18), n1080p2997(19), n1080p25(20), n1080p24(21), n1080p2398(22), n1080psF30(23), n1080psF2997(24), n1080psF25(25), n1080psF24(26), n1080psF2398(27), n2KP60(28), n2KP59(29), n2KP50(30), n2KP48(31), n2KP47(32), n2KP30(33), n2KP29(34), n2KP25(35), n2KP24(36), n2KP23(37), n2KPsF30(38), n2KPsF29(39), n2KPsF25(40), n2KPsF24(41), n2KPsF23(42) } TypeAudioEmbeddSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { aES1(0), aES2(1), aES3(2), aES4(3), aES5(4), aES6(5), aES7(6), aES8(7) } TypeFSLevel ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { mute(0), line(1), n12DBu(2), n15DBu(3), n18DBu(4), n20DBu(5), n22DBu(6), n24DBu(7) } TypeSDIOutputColorRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), limited(1), full(2) } TypeAudioChannelAssignment ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n11(0), convert(1) } TypeLimitVideoStandardsList ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { fullList(0), limited(1) } TypeEmbed3GLevelBStreamSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { streamsAB(0), streamAOnly(1), streamBOnly(2) } TypeAudioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { aES1(0), aES2(1), aES3(2), aES4(3), aES5(4), aES6(5), aES7(6), aES8(7), localSwitch(8) } TypeFSLevelSwitchPosition ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { localSwitch(0), mute(1), line(2), n12DBu(3), n15DBu(4), n18DBu(5), n20DBu(6), n22DBu(7), n24DBu(8) } TypeHDMISetRGBRange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), rGBLimited(1), rGBFull(2) } TypeMetaVPID3DMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { dualStream(0), stereoscopic(1) } TypeHDMIInStd ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), missingX(1), n480i59(2), n576i50(3), n480p59(4), n576p50(5), n720p23(6), n720p24(7), n720p25(8), n720p29(9), n720p30(10), n720p50(11), n720p59(12), n720p60(13), n1080i50(14), n1080i59(15), n1080i60(16), n1080p23(17), n1080p24(18), n1080p25(19), n1080p29(20), n1080p30(21), n1080p50(22), n1080p59(23), n1080p60(24), n640x480(25), n800x600(26), n640x350(27), n640x400(28), n720x400(29), n832x624(30), n848x480(31), n852x480(32), n1024x576(33), n1280x720(34), n1024x768(35), n1920x1080(36), n1280x768(37), n1152x864(38), n1280x960(39), n1280x1024(40), n1365x1024(41), n1600x1024(42), n1680x1050(43), n1152x870(44), n1360x768(45), n1400x788(46), n1440x960(47), n1400x1050(48), n1920x1200(49), n1600x1200(50), n2KP60(51), n2KP59(52), n2KP50(53), n2KP48(54), n2KP47(55), n2KP30(56), n2KP29(57), n2KP25(58), n2KP24(59), n2KP23(60), n2KPsF30(61), n2KPsF29(62), n2KPsF25(63), n2KPsF24(64), n2KPsF23(65) } TypeDelayMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { linesPixels(0), milliSeconds(1) } TypeSDIOut3GFormat ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { levelBDualLink(0), levelBDualStream(1), levelA(2) } TypeSDI3GTransport ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { levelA(0), levelBDualLink(1) } -- Parameter definitions typeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX product type name" ::= { paramEntry 1 } displayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of device (potentially user-defined), as stored in device-controller" ::= { paramEntry 2 } position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full-qualified position information (e.g. as used in address-field of remoteIF protocol)" ::= { paramEntry 3 } uptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection time of the device to this UI (in seconds)" ::= { paramEntry 4 } type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device type code" ::= { paramEntry 5 } version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device version information" ::= { paramEntry 6 } factoryReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFactoryReset MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset device to factory default values (set value to PRESS for execution)" ::= { paramEntry 7 } locate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "toggle the locating function (yellow flashing master LED) ON/OFF" ::= { paramEntry 8 } statusColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeStatusColor MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED (red/green/yellow)" ::= { paramEntry 9 } statusColorRGB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeStatusColorRGB MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED as #RRGGBB" ::= { paramEntry 10 } acceptEncodedAudio OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow HDMI source to provide embedded audio content in encoded form
(AC3 or Dolby Digital Plus). This is achieved by adding an appropriate entry to the EDID table. If the parameter is set to FALSE (default) only PCM audio content is accepted per EDID information." ::= { paramEntry 13 } audioBitDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioBitDepth MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "20/24Bit audio embedding for SDTV" ::= { paramEntry 14 } sDIOutputResolution OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIOutputResolution MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set SDI Output Resolution.
While, by default, the SDI output format is automatically derived from the HDMI input format, this automatic selection can be influenced with this parameter. It limits the SDI output resolution to one specific video format.
NOTE that the image content will NOT be zoomed or rescaled if this setting forces the SDI output into a format that does not match the resolution of the HDMI input. In this case the adaption of the resolution will be achieved by adding black content resp. by cropping the center part of the image content." ::= { paramEntry 15 } referenceLockForceFreeRun OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Force the device into a freerun mode, ignoring a potential external timing reference.
By default, the device will automatically genlock to the appropriate timing reference. See parameter ReferenceLock to see the current timing source." ::= { paramEntry 16 } metaAFDEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Embed AFD (Active Format Description) code into SDI output." ::= { paramEntry 17 } metaVIEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Embed VI (Video Index) code into SDI output." ::= { paramEntry 18 } metaWSSEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Embed WSS (Wide Screen Signalling) code into SDI output." ::= { paramEntry 19 } hDMIAudioStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIAudioStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Audio Status In" ::= { paramEntry 20 } statusAudioInL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIAudioStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of left audio input" ::= { paramEntry 21 } statusAudioInR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIAudioStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Status of right audio input" ::= { paramEntry 22 } inputMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeInputMode MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Input Mode" ::= { paramEntry 23 } hDMIAudioType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIAudioType MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Audio Type" ::= { paramEntry 24 } hDMIColorspace OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIColorspace MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HDMI Colorspace" ::= { paramEntry 25 } hDMIBitDepth OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIBitDepth MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HDMI Bitdepth" ::= { paramEntry 26 } referenceLock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeReferenceLock MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Genlock status of SDI output.
It tells whether the SDI output is genlocked to the external REF input or to the HDMI input. If no REF is connected and the HDMI input delivers an inadequate frequency, the SDI output can also be running free (not genlocked)" ::= { paramEntry 27 } refInStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeRefInStandard MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video standard of Reference Input" ::= { paramEntry 28 } audioEmbeddSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioEmbeddSelect MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select channel for embedding the external audio into SDI channel.
NOTE: The previous content of this channel (if received from HDMI) will be overwritten." ::= { paramEntry 29 } fSLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFSLevel MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full-Scale level for analog audio input" ::= { paramEntry 30 } audioGainL OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjust audio gain value on left audio input" ::= { paramEntry 31 } audioGainR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Adjust audio gain value on right audio input" ::= { paramEntry 32 } sDIOutputColorRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIOutputColorRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the range of output code values.
Default is automatic which means same as input. This can be modified to force the signal into the Full respective Limited (SMPTE) output range. In this case, the signal will be scaled as appropriate.
NOTE: this is different from parameter SDI Headroom Clipping, which will clip extended values to the limited range (instead of scaling them)." ::= { paramEntry 33 } audioChannelAssignment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioChannelAssignment MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Switch between different allocations of audio channels.
By default, all audio channels (1 through 8) are mapped 1:1 between SDI and HDMI. If set to convert, channels 3 and 4 are swapped against each other, resulting in a conversion between the allocation according to SMPTE320M (3=Center /4=LFE) and CEA-861 (3=LFE / 4=FrontCenter)." ::= { paramEntry 34 } sFPModulePartNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays the part number of used SFP Module" ::= { paramEntry 35 } sFPModuleType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "displays the type of detected SFP-Module . The SFP part number will also be displayed if SFP-Module is unknown." ::= { paramEntry 36 } limitVideoStandardsList OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeLimitVideoStandardsList MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Limit Video Standards.
By default, a very large variety of video standards and resolutions is supported on the HDMI input. This parameter lets you limit this list down to the SD-SDI (480p/i ; 575p/i) and HD-SDI formats (720p/50/59/60 ; 1080p/23/24/25/29/30 ; 1080i/50/59/60)" ::= { paramEntry 37 } embed3GLevelBStreamSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEmbed3GLevelBStreamSelect MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select video stream to use for embedding
(when output is 3G-SDI LevelB: i.e. two HD-SDI streams multiplexed).By default, the identical audio content will be embedded into both streams (A and B) simultaneously. Alternatively, the audio content can be embedded into only one of them." ::= { paramEntry 38 } audioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Embed external audio into SDI channel (switch position)" ::= { paramEntry 39 } fSLevelSwitchPosition OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFSLevelSwitchPosition MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full-Scale level for analog audio input (switch position)" ::= { paramEntry 40 } sDIOutputClipping OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable/disable SDI Headroom Clipping.
Specify if code values of the extended code range (black and white headroom, beyond the limited SMPTE range) shall be passed or clipped. By default, clipping is disabled (OFF).
NOTE that parameter SDI Color Range can be used to re-scale values instead of clipping them." ::= { paramEntry 41 } hDMISetRGBRange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMISetRGBRange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the range of RGB input values.
By default (auto), this information will be derived from the HDMI signal (AVI-Info frame). This automatic detection can be disabled and the input can be declared as RGB Full or RGB Limited range.
NOTE: This setting does not have any effect if input is not RGB." ::= { paramEntry 42 } metaVPID3DMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeMetaVPID3DMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify the type of VPID (Video Payload Identification)
that will be used for 3D content. By default, such content will be marked as dual stream 3G-SDI (according to SMPTE 452-1). This behaviour can be modified so that such content will be marked as stereoscopic according to SMPTE 425-2:2012.
NOTE that some 3D SDI equipment does not recognize the stereoscopic VPID markup. Hence this ability to select." ::= { paramEntry 43 } audioSRC1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activity indication for Sample Rate Converter 1
This information shows if the AES pair 1 that has been deembedded from the HDMI is processed by a sample rate converter. The Sample Rate Converter will automatically be disabled if the content has been detected to be non-PCM audio (see also Parameter AcceptEncodedAudio)" ::= { paramEntry 44 } audioSRC2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activity indication for Sample Rate Converter 2
This information shows if the AES pair 2 that has been deembedded from the HDMI is processed by a sample rate converter. The Sample Rate Converter will automatically be disabled if the content has been detected to be non-PCM audio (see also Parameter AcceptEncodedAudio)" ::= { paramEntry 45 } audioSRC3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activity indication for Sample Rate Converter 3
This information shows if the AES pair 3 that has been deembedded from the HDMI is processed by a sample rate converter. The Sample Rate Converter will automatically be disabled if the content has been detected to be non-PCM audio (see also Parameter AcceptEncodedAudio)" ::= { paramEntry 46 } audioSRC4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activity indication for Sample Rate Converter 4
This information shows if the AES pair 4 that has been deembedded from the HDMI is processed by a sample rate converter. The Sample Rate Converter will automatically be disabled if the content has been detected to be non-PCM audio (see also Parameter AcceptEncodedAudio)" ::= { paramEntry 47 } sDIOutputStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeRefInStandard MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video standard of SDI output.
By default, this standard will be derived from the HDMI input format. This automatic selection can be influenced by the parameter SDIOutputResolution" ::= { paramEntry 48 } hDMIInStd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeHDMIInStd MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HDMI Input Standard" ::= { paramEntry 49 } delayLines OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [lines] of SDI output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/Milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 50 } delayPixels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [pixels] of SDI output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/Milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 51 } delayMsec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [msec] of SDI output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/LinesPixels." ::= { paramEntry 52 } delayMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeDelayMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter determines if the user output delay is specified is lines and pixels or in absolute milliseconds.
The other values will automatically be calculated, depending on the current video standard." ::= { paramEntry 53 } sDIOut3GFormat OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIOut3GFormat MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "3G Format of the SDI output signal" ::= { paramEntry 54 } sDI3GTransport OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDI3GTransport MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the SDI 3G Transport Format" ::= { paramEntry 55 } -- Parameter table paramTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of CHD1812-1 parameters" ::= { sw944 1 } paramEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of CHD1812-1 parameters" INDEX { IMPLIED position } ::= { paramTable 1 } ParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { typeName DisplayString, displayName DisplayString, position OCTET STRING, uptime TimeTicks, type DisplayString, version DisplayString, factoryReset TypeFactoryReset, locate OnOffValue, statusColor TypeStatusColor, statusColorRGB TypeStatusColorRGB, acceptEncodedAudio OnOffValue, audioBitDepth TypeAudioBitDepth, sDIOutputResolution TypeSDIOutputResolution, referenceLockForceFreeRun TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun, metaAFDEnable TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun, metaVIEnable TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun, metaWSSEnable TypeReferenceLockForceFreeRun, hDMIAudioStatus TypeHDMIAudioStatus, statusAudioInL TypeHDMIAudioStatus, statusAudioInR TypeHDMIAudioStatus, inputMode TypeInputMode, hDMIAudioType TypeHDMIAudioType, hDMIColorspace TypeHDMIColorspace, hDMIBitDepth TypeHDMIBitDepth, referenceLock TypeReferenceLock, refInStandard TypeRefInStandard, audioEmbeddSelect TypeAudioEmbeddSelect, fSLevel TypeFSLevel, audioGainL Integer32, audioGainR Integer32, sDIOutputColorRange TypeSDIOutputColorRange, audioChannelAssignment TypeAudioChannelAssignment, sFPModulePartNumber DisplayString, sFPModuleType DisplayString, limitVideoStandardsList TypeLimitVideoStandardsList, embed3GLevelBStreamSelect TypeEmbed3GLevelBStreamSelect, audioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition TypeAudioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition, fSLevelSwitchPosition TypeFSLevelSwitchPosition, sDIOutputClipping OnOffValue, hDMISetRGBRange TypeHDMISetRGBRange, metaVPID3DMode TypeMetaVPID3DMode, audioSRC1 OnOffValue, audioSRC2 OnOffValue, audioSRC3 OnOffValue, audioSRC4 OnOffValue, sDIOutputStandard TypeRefInStandard, hDMIInStd TypeHDMIInStd, delayLines Integer32, delayPixels Integer32, delayMsec FixedPointValue3, delayMode TypeDelayMode, sDIOut3GFormat TypeSDIOut3GFormat, sDI3GTransport TypeSDI3GTransport } -- Conformance statements conformance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance declaration of CHD1812-1" ::= { sw944 2 } paramGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { typeName, displayName, position, uptime, type, version, factoryReset, locate, statusColor, statusColorRGB, acceptEncodedAudio, audioBitDepth, sDIOutputResolution, referenceLockForceFreeRun, metaAFDEnable, metaVIEnable, metaWSSEnable, hDMIAudioStatus, statusAudioInL, statusAudioInR, inputMode, hDMIAudioType, hDMIColorspace, hDMIBitDepth, referenceLock, refInStandard, audioEmbeddSelect, fSLevel, audioGainL, audioGainR, sDIOutputColorRange, audioChannelAssignment, sFPModulePartNumber, sFPModuleType, limitVideoStandardsList, embed3GLevelBStreamSelect, audioEmbeddSelectSwitchPosition, fSLevelSwitchPosition, sDIOutputClipping, hDMISetRGBRange, metaVPID3DMode, audioSRC1, audioSRC2, audioSRC3, audioSRC4, sDIOutputStandard, hDMIInStd, delayLines, delayPixels, delayMsec, delayMode, sDIOut3GFormat, sDI3GTransport } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance group containing all device parameters" ::= { conformance 1 } paramCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance specification" MODULE -- This module MANDATORY-GROUPS { paramGroup } ::= { conformance 2 } END