-- Machine generated MIB file, do not edit! -- -- MIB file for ORX1702-1, type code 42.28, software label 750 -- Generated on Friday, 19-Feb-21 16:15:54 UTC -- CVS $Id: ORX1702-1_4228_sw750.mib,v 1.2 2021/02/19 16:15:55 til Exp $ -- -- Copyright 2003-2021 by LYNX Technik AG -- -- These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain -- unpublished proprietary information written by LYNX Technik AG and -- are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed -- to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or -- in part, without the prior written consent of LYNX Technik AG. -- ORX1702-1-4228-sw750-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC2579 MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC2580 mib-modules, products, FixedPointValue1, FixedPointValue2, FixedPointValue3, OnOffValue FROM LYNX-SMI; orx1702-1-4228-sw750 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "202102191615Z" ORGANIZATION "LYNX Technik AG" CONTACT-INFO "LYNX Technik AG Brunnenweg 3 64331 Weiterstadt http://www.lynx-technik.com mailto:support@lynx-technik.com" DESCRIPTION "MIB module definition for ORX1702-1, type code 42.28, software label 750" REVISION "202102191615Z" DESCRIPTION "Generated by LYNX Asset Database" ::= { mib-modules 16936750 } orx1702-1-4228 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX device type ORX1702-1" ::= { products 16936 } sw750 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software label 750" ::= { orx1702-1-4228 750 } -- Type definitions TypeFactoryReset ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { press(0) } TypeStatusColor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), red(1), green(2), yellow(3) } TypeStatusColorRGB ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n000000(0), ff0000(1), n00ff00(2), ffff00(3) } TypeSDIInputStandard ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), invalid(1), n525(2), n625(3), n720p60(4), n720p5994(5), n720p50(6), n720p30(7), n720p2997(8), n720p25(9), n720p24(10), n720p2398(11), n1080i60(12), n1080i5994(13), n1080i50(14), n1080p60(15), n1080p5994(16), n1080p50(17), n1080p30(18), n1080p2997(19), n1080p25(20), n1080p24(21), n1080p2398(22), n1080psF30(23), n1080psF2997(24), n1080psF25(25), n1080psF24(26), n1080psF2398(27), n2KP60(28), n2KP59(29), n2KP50(30), n2KP48(31), n2KP47(32), n2KP30(33), n2KP29(34), n2KP25(35), n2KP24(36), n2KP23(37), n2KPsF30(38), n2KPsF29(39), n2KPsF25(40), n2KPsF24(41), n2KPsF23(42) } TypeSourceInfo ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { notAvailable(0), n525SyncBiLevel(1), n525BlackBurstSyncBurst(2), n525BlackBurstPALM(3), n525VideoNTSCMJ(4), n525VideoPALM(5), n625SyncBiLevel(6), n625BlackBurstSyncBurst(7), n625BlackBurstPALN(8), n625VideoPALBGHID(9), n625VideoPALN(10), n720p50SyncTriLevel(11), n720p59SyncTriLevel(12), n720p60SyncTriLevel(13), n1080i50SyncTriLevel(14), n1080i59SyncTriLevel(15), n1080i60SyncTriLevel(16), n1080p23SyncTriLevel(17), n1080p24SyncTriLevel(18), n1080p25SyncTriLevel(19), n1080sF23SyncTriLevel(20), n1080sF24SyncTriLevel(21) } TypeAnalogOutputSignal ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), n525Sync(1), nTSCBlackBurst(2), pALMBlackBurst(3), nTSCMJVideo(4), pALMVideo(5), n625Sync(6), pALBGHIDBlackBurst(7), pALNBlackBurst(8), pALBGHIDVideo(9), pALNVideo(10), n720p50Sync(11), n720p59Sync(12), n720p60Sync(13), n1080i50Sync(14), n1080i59Sync(15), n1080i60Sync(16), n1080p23Sync(17), n1080p24Sync(18), n1080p25Sync(19), n1080sF23Sync(20), n1080sF24Sync(21) } TypeSourceLYNXSourceDetected ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { yes(0), no(1) } TypeDelayMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { linesPixels(0), milliSeconds(1) } TypeColorburstPhase ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { autoRegen8V(0), freerun(1), phaseLockedLYNXSource(2) } TypeColorburstPhaseStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { freerun(0), autoRegen8VLYNXSource(1), phaseLockedLYNXSource(2) } TypeColorBurst ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), on(1), off(2) } TypeColorBurstStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { on(0), off(1) } -- Parameter definitions typeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX product type name" ::= { paramEntry 1 } displayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of device (potentially user-defined), as stored in device-controller" ::= { paramEntry 2 } position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full-qualified position information (e.g. as used in address-field of remoteIF protocol)" ::= { paramEntry 3 } uptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection time of the device to this UI (in seconds)" ::= { paramEntry 4 } type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device type code" ::= { paramEntry 5 } version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device version information" ::= { paramEntry 6 } factoryReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFactoryReset MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset device to factory default values (set value to PRESS for execution)" ::= { paramEntry 7 } locate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "toggle the locating function (yellow flashing master LED) ON/OFF" ::= { paramEntry 8 } statusColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeStatusColor MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED (red/green/yellow)" ::= { paramEntry 9 } statusColorRGB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeStatusColorRGB MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED as #RRGGBB" ::= { paramEntry 10 } sDIInputStandard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIInputStandard MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video Standard of SDI input" ::= { paramEntry 12 } sourceInfo OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSourceInfo MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional information on the original source of the SDI input signal.
This information is only available, if the SDI input signal has been generated by a LYNX compatible device (such as OTX17x2)." ::= { paramEntry 13 } analogOutputSignal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAnalogOutputSignal MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current signal Standard on analog video output" ::= { paramEntry 14 } pedestal OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Analog Video Output: Add Pedestal (applicable to SD 525 signals)" ::= { paramEntry 15 } timingAlignment OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the timing alignment in micro seconds of the analog output with respect to the input of the original analog source.
This information is only available, if the SDI input signal has been generated by a LYNX compatible device (such as OTX17x2). " ::= { paramEntry 16 } sourceLYNXSourceDetected OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSourceLYNXSourceDetected MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This information shows if a LYNX compatible timing source has been detected (such as OTX17x2).
In this case, the SDI signal carries additional information that allows a more precise reproduction of the original analog source signal." ::= { paramEntry 17 } delayLines OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [lines] of analog output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/Milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 18 } delayPixels OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [pixels] of analog output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/Milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 19 } delayMsec OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Additional delay [msec] of analog output signal.
Depending on parameter DelayMode this value can either be set by user or it is calculated from the current Delay/LinesPixels." ::= { paramEntry 20 } delayMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeDelayMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This parameter determines if the user output delay is specified is lines and pixels or in absolute milliseconds.
The other values will automatically be calculated, depending on the current video standard." ::= { paramEntry 21 } videoContent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "By default, the video content of an SDTV signal is set to black and the output timing aligment is forced to be vertically aligned to the input.
NOTE that if the SDI input has been generated by a LYNX OTX17x2, then the timing aligment will be set to match the analog input of the OTX17x2 source." ::= { paramEntry 22 } colorburstPhase OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeColorburstPhase MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "By default, the colorburst 8V sequence of a CVBS output signal is derived from metadata in the SDI input, as available.
The exact colorburst phase itself will be regenerated according to this 8V sequence.
Setting this param to freerun will generate the colorburst independently from any potential input information. As another alternative, this parameter can be set to phase locked which will set the exact colorburst phase to the input information (this option is only available if the SDI input has been generated by a LYNX compatible device, such as OTX17x2)." ::= { paramEntry 23 } colorburstPhaseStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeColorburstPhaseStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This status parameter shows if the colorburst 8V sequence is currently being defined by input metadata or not." ::= { paramEntry 24 } colorBurst OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeColorBurst MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if a generated analog SDTV video contains a colorburst.
By default (automatic), there will be a colorburst for SDTV signals.
NOTE: If the input signal has been generated by a LYNX OTX17x2, then the default automatic behaviour also depends on the current configuration of the OTX17x2." ::= { paramEntry 25 } colorBurstStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeColorBurstStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This status parameter shows if a generated analog SDTV video contains a colorburst.
By default (automatic), there will be a colorburst for SDTV signals.
NOTE: If the input signal has been generated by a LYNX OTX17x2, then the default automatic behaviour also depends on the current configuration of the OTX17x2." ::= { paramEntry 26 } -- Parameter table paramTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of ORX1702-1 parameters" ::= { sw750 1 } paramEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of ORX1702-1 parameters" INDEX { IMPLIED position } ::= { paramTable 1 } ParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { typeName DisplayString, displayName DisplayString, position OCTET STRING, uptime TimeTicks, type DisplayString, version DisplayString, factoryReset TypeFactoryReset, locate OnOffValue, statusColor TypeStatusColor, statusColorRGB TypeStatusColorRGB, sDIInputStandard TypeSDIInputStandard, sourceInfo TypeSourceInfo, analogOutputSignal TypeAnalogOutputSignal, pedestal OnOffValue, timingAlignment Integer32, sourceLYNXSourceDetected TypeSourceLYNXSourceDetected, delayLines Integer32, delayPixels Integer32, delayMsec FixedPointValue3, delayMode TypeDelayMode, videoContent OnOffValue, colorburstPhase TypeColorburstPhase, colorburstPhaseStatus TypeColorburstPhaseStatus, colorBurst TypeColorBurst, colorBurstStatus TypeColorBurstStatus } -- Conformance statements conformance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance declaration of ORX1702-1" ::= { sw750 2 } paramGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { typeName, displayName, position, uptime, type, version, factoryReset, locate, statusColor, statusColorRGB, sDIInputStandard, sourceInfo, analogOutputSignal, pedestal, timingAlignment, sourceLYNXSourceDetected, delayLines, delayPixels, delayMsec, delayMode, videoContent, colorburstPhase, colorburstPhaseStatus, colorBurst, colorBurstStatus } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance group containing all device parameters" ::= { conformance 1 } paramCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance specification" MODULE -- This module MANDATORY-GROUPS { paramGroup } ::= { conformance 2 } END