-- Machine generated MIB file, do not edit! -- -- MIB file for PIE5810-O-OW, type code 07.D9, software label 403 -- Generated on Tuesday, 09-Aug-16 11:48:18 UTC -- CVS $Id: PIE5810-O-OW_07d9_sw403.mib,v 1.18 2016/08/09 11:48:20 jvo Exp $ -- -- Copyright 2003-2016 by LYNX Technik AG -- -- These coded instructions, statements, and computer programs contain -- unpublished proprietary information written by LYNX Technik AG and -- are protected by Federal copyright law. They may not be disclosed -- to third parties or copied or duplicated in any form, in whole or -- in part, without the prior written consent of LYNX Technik AG. -- PIE5810-O-OW-07d9-sw403-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, TimeTicks FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- RFC2578 TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC -- RFC2579 MODULE-COMPLIANCE, OBJECT-GROUP FROM SNMPv2-CONF -- RFC2580 mib-modules, products, FixedPointValue1, FixedPointValue2, FixedPointValue3, OnOffValue FROM LYNX-SMI; pie5810-o-ow-07d9-sw403 MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201608091148Z" ORGANIZATION "LYNX Technik AG" CONTACT-INFO "LYNX Technik AG Brunnenweg 3 64331 Weiterstadt http://www.lynx-technik.com mailto:support@lynx-technik.com" DESCRIPTION "MIB module definition for PIE5810-O-OW, type code 07.D9, software label 403" REVISION "201608091148Z" DESCRIPTION "Generated by LYNX Asset Database" ::= { mib-modules 2009403 } pie5810-o-ow-07d9 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX device type PIE5810-O-OW" ::= { products 2009 } sw403 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Software label 403" ::= { pie5810-o-ow-07d9 403 } -- Type definitions TypeStatusColor ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { unknown(0), black(1), green(2), yellow(3), red(4) } TypeFactoryReset ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { press(0) } TypeFreq ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { evenFreq(0), oddFreq(1), evenFreqX(2) } TypeGPIFunc ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), freezeInput1(1), freezeInput2(2), freezeBothInputs(3), switchUserPresets(4) } TypeInputStatusSDI1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), invalid(1), n525(2), n625(3), n720p60(4), n720p5994(5), n720p50(6), n720p30(7), n720p2997(8), n720p25(9), n720p24(10), n720p2398(11), n1080i60(12), n1080i5994(13), n1080i50(14), n1080p60(15), n1080p5994(16), n1080p50(17), n1080p30(18), n1080p2997(19), n1080p25(20), n1080p24(21), n1080p2398(22), n1080psF30(23), n1080psF2997(24), n1080psF25(25), n1080psF24(26), n1080psF2398(27) } TypeConv3ControlMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { manual(0), aFDAutomated(1), wSSAutomated(2), vIAutomated(3) } TypeConv3AspectInSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n43(0), n169(1) } TypeConv3FormatOut ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n52543(0), n525169(1), n62543(2), n625169(3), n525(4), n625(5), n720p60(6), n720p5994(7), n720p50(8), n720p30(9), n720p2997(10), n720p25(11), n720p24(12), n720p2398(13), n1080i60(14), n1080i5994(15), n1080i50(16), n1080p30(17), n1080p2997(18), n1080p25(19), n1080p24(20), n1080p2398(21), n1080psF24(22), n1080psF2398(23), n1080p60(24), n1080p5994(25), n1080p50(26) } TypeConv3StatusOut ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { invalid(0), n525(1), n625(2), n720p60(3), n720p5994(4), n720p50(5), n720p30(6), n720p2997(7), n720p25(8), n720p24(9), n720p2398(10), n1080i60(11), n1080i5994(12), n1080i50(13), n1080p60(14), n1080p5994(15), n1080p50(16), n1080p30(17), n1080p2997(18), n1080p25(19), n1080p24(20), n1080p2398(21), n1080psF30(22), n1080psF2997(23), n1080psF25(24), n1080psF24(25), n1080psF2398(26) } TypeConv3Mode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { pillarbox43Letterbox169(0), centerCut(1), n149Conversion(2), stretchToFill(3), custom(4) } TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), present(1) } TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), present(1) } TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { s334CDP(0), s334RAW(1), line21(2) } TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), s334CDP(1), s334RAW(2), line21(3) } TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { aTCLTC(0), aTCVITC(1), dVITCA(2), dVITCB(3) } TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), aTCLTC(1), aTCVITC(2), dVITCA(3), dVITCB(4) } TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), present(1), presentX(2), presentXX(3) } TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n6(0), n7(1), n8(2), n9(3), n10(4), n11(5), n12(6), n13(7), n14(8), n15(9), n16(10), n17(11), n18(12), n19(13), n20(14), n21(15), n22(16) } TypeConv3MetaTXTEncoderMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), wST625Only(1), s2031WST(2), oP47SDP(3) } TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), manual(1) } TypeConv3MetaField1Overflow ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { no(0), yes(1) } TypeConv3MetaSMPTE2020Status ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), methodA(1), methodB(2) } TypeConv3ModeAutoARto169 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { boxed(0), cut(1), stretch(2) } TypeConv3InsertAFDFullFrame169 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n1000(0), n1010(1) } TypeConv3ModeAutoFallback ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { useLastValidFormatDescr(0), useManualSettings(1) } TypeSDIIn1TXTDecoderMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { autoSelect(0), wST625Only(1), s2031WST(2), oP47SDP(3) } TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), n6(1), n7(2), n8(3), n9(4), n10(5), n11(6), n12(7), n13(8), n14(9), n15(10), n16(11), n17(12), n18(13), n19(14), n20(15), n21(16), n22(17) } TypeOut1Assign ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { input1(0), hiQConverter(1) } TypeOut1TestPatternSelect ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { black(0), red(1), green(2), blue(3), cyan(4), magenta(5), yellow(6), white(7), n15Grey(8), eQPath(9), pLLPath(10), eQPLLPath(11), n75Colorbar(12), colorbarOverRed(13) } TypeOut1TestPatternStd ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { n525(0), n625(1), n720p60(2), n720p5994(3), n720p50(4), n720p30(5), n720p2997(6), n720p25(7), n720p24(8), n720p2398(9), n1080i60(10), n1080i5994(11), n1080i50(12), n1080p30(13), n1080p2997(14), n1080p25(15), n1080p24(16), n1080p2398(17), n1080psF24(18), n1080psF2398(19), n1080p60(20), n1080p5994(21), n1080p50(22), followLastInput(23) } TypeOut1IfNoInput ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { freeze(0), black(1), testPattern(2) } TypeOut1ModifyPsF ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), pToPsf(1), psfToP(2) } TypeDelayPulseAssign ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { sDIOut1(0), sDIOut2(1) } TypePresetsGPIOn ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { current(0), preset1(1), preset2(2), preset3(3), preset4(4), preset5(5), preset6(6), preset7(7) } TypeGenLockStatus ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { unlocked(0), locked(1) } TypeAudioContentSDI11 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { automatic(0), pCMAudio(1), dolbyE(2), nonPCMData(3) } TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), pCMAudio(1), dolbyE(2), nonPCMData(3) } TypeOut1MetaS352Insertion ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { on(0), off(1) } TypeOut1MetaAFDLine ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { off(0), n8(1), n9(2), n10(3), n11(4), n12(5), n13(6), n14(7), n15(8), n16(9), n17(10), n18(11), n19(12), n20(13), n21(14), n22(15), n23(16), n24(17), n25(18), n26(19), n27(20), n28(21), n29(22), n30(23), n31(24), n32(25), n33(26), n34(27), n35(28), n36(29), n37(30), n38(31), n39(32), n40(33), n41(34) } TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { vanc(0), hanc(1) } TypeSDIIn1StatusAFD ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), n0010LetterboxTopImageInA43Frame(1), n0011Letterbox149ImageInA43Frame(2), n0100169LetterboxCenterImageInA43Frame(3), n1000FullFrameImageInA43Frame(4), n1001FullFrameImageInA43Frame(5), n1010169LetterboxImageVerticallyCenteredInA43Frame(6), n1011149LetterboxImageVerticallyCenteredInA43Frame(7), n110143ImageShootProtect149InA43Frame(8), n1110169LetterboxImageShootProtect149InA43Frame(9), n1111169LetterboxImageShootProtect43InA43Frame(10), n0010169FullFrameImageInA169Frame(11), n0011149PillarboxImageInA169Frame(12), n0100169LetterboxCenterImageInA169Frame(13), n1000FullFrameImageInA169Frame(14), n1001PillarboxImageInA169Frame(15), n1010Protected169FullFrameImageInA169Frame(16), n1011149PillarboxImageInA169Frame(17), n110143PillarboxImageShootProtect149InA169Frame(18), n1110169ImageShootProtect149InA169Frame(19), n1111169ImageShootProtect43InA169Frame(20) } TypeSDIIn1StatusWSS ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), fullFormat43(1), box149Center(2), box149Top(3), box169Center(4), box169Top(5), box169CenterX(6), fullFormat169CenterAndProtected149(7), fullFormat169Anamorphic(8) } TypeSDIIn1StatusVI ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), n52543(1), n62543(2), n525169(3), n625169(4) } TypeSDIIn1AFDLine ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { missing(0), n8(1), n9(2), n10(3), n11(4), n12(5), n13(6), n14(7), n15(8), n16(9), n17(10), n18(11), n19(12), n20(13), n21(14), n22(15), n23(16), n24(17), n25(18), n26(19), n27(20), n28(21), n29(22), n30(23), n31(24), n32(25), n33(26), n34(27), n35(28), n36(29), n37(30), n38(31), n39(32), n40(33), n41(34) } TypeSDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { delayed(0), quick(1) } TypeOut1DelayMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { framesLinesPixels(0), milliSeconds(1) } TypeOut1FreezeMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { freezeField1(0), freezeField2(1), freezeFrame(2), testPattern(3) } TypeOut1EmbedBits ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { auto(0), n20Bit(1) } TypeConv3COCOMode ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { gainOffset(0), peakBlack(1) } TypeSDIIn1SourceType ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { optical(0), electrical(1) } TypePresetsSaveAs ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { nA(0), preset1(1), preset2(2), preset3(3), preset4(4), preset5(5), preset6(6), preset7(7) } TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enumeration" SYNTAX INTEGER { none(0), onOnly(1), offOnly(2), onOff(3) } -- Parameter definitions typeName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "LYNX product type name" ::= { paramEntry 1 } displayName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Name of device (potentially user-defined), as stored in device-controller" ::= { paramEntry 2 } position OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OCTET STRING (SIZE (0..63)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Full-qualified position information (e.g. as used in address-field of remoteIF protocol)" ::= { paramEntry 3 } uptime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Connection time of the device to this UI (in seconds)" ::= { paramEntry 4 } type OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device type code" ::= { paramEntry 5 } version OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Device version information" ::= { paramEntry 6 } statusColor OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeStatusColor MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED (red/green/yellow)" ::= { paramEntry 7 } statusColorRGB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current color of the Devices Master LED as #RRGGBB" ::= { paramEntry 8 } statusText OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current status text (OK or error-details)" ::= { paramEntry 9 } factoryReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFactoryReset MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Reset device to factory default values (set value to PRESS for execution)" ::= { paramEntry 10 } lock OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lock Device" ::= { paramEntry 11 } locate OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "toggle the locating function (yellow flashing master LED) ON/OFF" ::= { paramEntry 12 } eventReferenceNoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Info Event: Reference No Input" ::= { paramEntry 14 } eventSDIInput1NoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning Event: SDI Input 1 No Input" ::= { paramEntry 15 } eventSDIInput2NoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning Event: SDI Input 2 No Input" ::= { paramEntry 16 } eventFanFailure OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error Event: Fan Failure" ::= { paramEntry 17 } eventHighTemperature OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Error Event: High Temperature" ::= { paramEntry 18 } eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning Event: Could not lock to SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 19 } eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Warning Event: Could not lock to SDI Input 2" ::= { paramEntry 20 } eventCouldnotlocktoReference OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Info Event: Could not lock to Reference" ::= { paramEntry 21 } channel2CoupleTo1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI-Output Channel 2: couple all selections to channel 1" ::= { paramEntry 28 } freq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeFreq MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "readonly information about current internal frequency (if FreqPreselect is set to follow Reference)" ::= { paramEntry 29 } gPIFunc OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeGPIFunc MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify influence of GPI input" ::= { paramEntry 30 } inputStatusSDI1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeInputStatusSDI1 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video Standard of SDI input channel 1" ::= { paramEntry 31 } conv3ControlMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3ControlMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select control mode of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 32 } conv3AspectInSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3AspectInSelect MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Aspect Ratio of Input signal - Converter 3 The auto setting will be interpreted as: - 16:9 (HDTV) - 4:3 (SDTV)" ::= { paramEntry 33 } conv3AspectIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3AspectInSelect MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Current Aspect Ratio of Input signal - Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 34 } conv3FormatOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3FormatOut MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Signal format of scaler output" ::= { paramEntry 35 } conv3StatusOut OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3StatusOut MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display signal format of output - Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 36 } conv3Mode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3Mode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select Conversion mode of Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 37 } conv3AdvancedSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activate advanced settings from HiQ Scaler" ::= { paramEntry 38 } conv3OutInsertAFD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insert Active format description into the video data from HiQ Scaler" ::= { paramEntry 39 } conv3OutInsertVI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insert Video Index into the video data from HiQ Scaler" ::= { paramEntry 40 } conv3OutInsertWSS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insert Wide Screen Signaling into the video data from HiQ Scaler" ::= { paramEntry 41 } conv3StatusIn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3StatusOut MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display signal format of input - Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 42 } conv3CropHpos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: start cutout (crop) from input image at this H position (pixel)" ::= { paramEntry 43 } conv3CropVpos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: start cutout (crop) from input image at this V position (lines)" ::= { paramEntry 44 } conv3CropHsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: cutout (crop) from input image this many pixels" ::= { paramEntry 45 } conv3CropVsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: cutout (crop) from input image this many lines" ::= { paramEntry 46 } conv3InsertHpos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: start insertion of source-cutout into output at this H position (pixel)" ::= { paramEntry 47 } conv3InsertVpos OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: start insertion of source-cutout into output at this V position (lines)" ::= { paramEntry 48 } conv3InsertHsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: insert source-cutout into output in this many pixels" ::= { paramEntry 49 } conv3InsertVsize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "HiQ Converter: insert source-cutout into output in this many lines" ::= { paramEntry 50 } conv3MotionAdaptive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Motion adaptive filtering / de-interlacing" ::= { paramEntry 51 } conv3NRGeneral OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "general level of noise reduction " ::= { paramEntry 52 } conv3NRBlockArtifact OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "level of block artifact reduction" ::= { paramEntry 53 } conv3NRMosquito OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "level of mosquito noise reduction" ::= { paramEntry 54 } conv3DetailLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "level for detail enhancement" ::= { paramEntry 55 } conv3DetailThreshold OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "threshold for detail enhancement" ::= { paramEntry 56 } conv3MetaAdvancedSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Activate advanced Meta Data settings of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 57 } conv3MetaCCSourceDefaultPriorities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set source priority for insertion of Close Caption to default for converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 58 } conv3MetaTCSourceDefaultPriorities OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set source priority for insertion of Time Code to default for converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 59 } conv3MetaAFDInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AFD detection on input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 60 } conv3MetaVIInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "VI detection on input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 61 } conv3MetaWSSInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "WSS detection on input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 62 } conv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion Status of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 63 } conv3MetaCCCDPInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 64 } conv3MetaCCCDPInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of CloseCaptions in S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 65 } conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 66 } conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 67 } conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 68 } conv3MetaCCRAWOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion Status of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 69 } conv3MetaCCRAWInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 70 } conv3MetaCCRAWInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of CloseCaptions in S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 71 } conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 72 } conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 73 } conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 74 } conv3MetaCCL21OutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion Status of CloseCaptions as Line 21 (containing CEA-608 data) at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 75 } conv3MetaCCL21InStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of CloseCaptions as Line 21 (containing CEA-608 data) at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 76 } conv3MetaCCL21Insertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of CloseCaptions in Line 21 (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 77 } conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as Line 21 transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 78 } conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as Line 21 transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 79 } conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for CloseCaptions to be inserted as Line 21 transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 80 } conv3MetaTCLTCInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of TimeCode as ATC-LTC at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 81 } conv3MetaTCLTCInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of TimeCode as ATC-LTC into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 82 } conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-LTC into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 83 } conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-LTC into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 84 } conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-LTC into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 85 } conv3MetaTCVITCInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of TimeCode as ATC-VITC at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 86 } conv3MetaTCVITCInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of TimeCode as ATC-VITC into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 87 } conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-VITC into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 88 } conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-VITC into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 89 } conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for TimeCode to be inserted as ATC-VITC into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 90 } conv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of TimeCode as DVITC at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 91 } conv3MetaTCDVITCInsertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of TimeCode as DVITC into output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 92 } conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 1 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as DVITC into output of converter 3. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 2 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 93 } conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 2 Source-channel for TimeCode to be inserted as DVITC into output of converter 3. If Priority 1 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant. If the specified source channel is not available, priority 3 is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 94 } conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Priority 3 Source-Channel for TimeCode to be inserted as DVITC into output of converter 3. If Priority 2 Source-Channel is not available, this selection is relevant." ::= { paramEntry 95 } conv3MetaTCLTCOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion status of TimeCode as ATC-LTC on output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 96 } conv3MetaTCVITCOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion status of TimeCode as ATC-VITC on output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 97 } conv3MetaTCDVITCAOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion status of TimeCode as DVITC-A on output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 98 } conv3MetaTCDVITCBOutStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Insertion status of TimeCode as DVITC-B on output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 99 } conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Line for insertion of TimeCode as DVITC-A at output of converter 3 (for even frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 100 } conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination625 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Line for insertion of TimeCode as DVITC-B at output of converter 3 (for even frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 101 } conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination525 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Line for insertion of TimeCode as DVITC-A at output of converter 3 (for odd frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 102 } conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination525 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Line for insertion of TimeCode as DVITC-B at output of converter 3 (for odd frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 103 } conv3MetaTCDVITCADetectedSrcLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the video line in which the DVITC-A TimeCode has been detected in the input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 104 } conv3MetaTCDVITCBDetectedSrcLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the video line in which the DVITC-B TimeCode has been detected in the input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 105 } conv3MetaTCVITCDetectedDVITCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Information on the video line in which the incoming VITC shall be inserted into the output of converter 3, when it is encoded as DVITC." ::= { paramEntry 106 } conv3MetaTCDVITCAutomatic OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable automatic selection of DVITC line for insertion on output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 107 } conv3MetaTXTWSTInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of Teletext as WST at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 108 } conv3MetaTXTS2031InStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of Teletext as S2031 transport packet at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 109 } conv3MetaTXTOP47InStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of Teletext as OP47 Subtitling Distribution Packet at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 110 } conv3MetaTXTEncoderMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTXTEncoderMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Teletext Encoder Settings of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 111 } conv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Teletext lines selection mode of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 112 } conv3MetaField1Overflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaField1Overflow MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays yes if some meta-data packages could not be inserted into field 1 at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 119 } conv3MetaField2Overflow OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaField1Overflow MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Displays yes if some meta-data packages could not be inserted into field 2 at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 120 } conv3MetaSMPTE2020Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaSMPTE2020Status MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence status of Meta Data SMPTE 2020 transport packet at input of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 121 } conv3MetaSMPTE2020Insertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of Meta Data SMPTE 2020 transport packet at output of converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 122 } conv3ModeAutoARto169 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3ModeAutoARto169 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automatic Aspect Ratio to 16:9 mode for Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 123 } conv3ModeAutoARto43 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3ModeAutoARto169 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automatic Aspect Ratio to 4:3 mode for Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 124 } conv3InsertAFDFullFrame169 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3InsertAFDFullFrame169 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "AFD Full Frame 16:9 mode for Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 125 } conv3ModeAutoFallback OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3ModeAutoFallback MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto Fallback mode for Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 126 } sDIIn1TXTWSTInStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of Teletext as WST at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 127 } sDIIn1TXTS2031InStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of Teletext as S2031 transport packet at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 128 } sDIIn1TXTOP47InStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of Teletext as OP47 transport packet at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 129 } sDIIn1TXTDecoderMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1TXTDecoderMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Teletext Decoder Settings at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 130 } sDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Video Line from which to read (decode) DVITC-A in SDI input 1 (for even-frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 131 } sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource625 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Video Line from which to read (decode) DVITC-B in SDI input 1 (for even-frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 132 } sDIIn1TCDVITCASource525 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Video Line from which to read (decode) DVITC-A in SDI input 1 (for odd-frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 133 } sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource525 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify Video Line from which to read (decode) DVITC-B in SDI input 1 (for odd-frequency standards)" ::= { paramEntry 134 } sDIIn1CCCDPStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 135 } sDIIn1CCRAWStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 136 } sDIIn1CCL21Status OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of CloseCaptions as Line 21 (containing CEA-608 data) at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 137 } sDIIn1TCLTCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of TimeCode as ATC-LTC at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 138 } sDIIn1TCVITCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of TimeCode as ATC-VITC at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 139 } sDIIn1TCDVITCStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Presence Status of TimeCode as DVITC at SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 140 } out1Assign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1Assign MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Assign SDI Out 1 to Input (direct) or to one of the Converters" ::= { paramEntry 141 } out1Standard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3StatusOut MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video standard of SDI Out 1" ::= { paramEntry 142 } out2Assign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1Assign MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Assign SDI Out 2 to Input (direct) or to one of the Converters" ::= { paramEntry 143 } out2Standard OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3StatusOut MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video standard of SDI Out 2" ::= { paramEntry 144 } out1DelayFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1 delay in frames. Combine with Out1/DelayLines and Out1/DelayPixel for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 145 } out1DelayLines OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1 delay in lines. Combine with Out1/DelayFrames and Out1/DelayPixel for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 146 } out1DelayPixel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1 delay in pixel. Combine with Out1/DelayFrames and Out1/DelayLines for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 147 } out1DelayMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1 user delay in milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 148 } out1ApertureEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: enable aperture correction" ::= { paramEntry 149 } out1ApertureLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: aperture correction level" ::= { paramEntry 150 } out1HBlank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: enable H-Blanking" ::= { paramEntry 151 } out1VBlank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: enable V-Blanking" ::= { paramEntry 152 } out1Gain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: adjust Video Gain" ::= { paramEntry 153 } out1Saturation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: adjust video Saturation" ::= { paramEntry 154 } out1BlackLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: adjust video black level (in IRE)" ::= { paramEntry 155 } out1Hue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: adjust video Hue" ::= { paramEntry 156 } out1TestPatternSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1TestPatternSelect MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: test pattern preselection. Will be used when test pattern is switched on, or on auto-freeze" ::= { paramEntry 157 } out1TestPatternStd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1TestPatternStd MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: test pattern standard.
This is only relevant when explicitly switching the test pattern ON (parameter Out1/Test/PatternOn).Otherwise (in case of automatic freeze-to-pattern), the last input standard will be used." ::= { paramEntry 158 } out1TestPatternOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: enable preselected test pattern" ::= { paramEntry 159 } out1IfNoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1IfNoInput MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: specify image content if input is missing.
Setting this switch to test pattern will generate the preselected pattern if input is missing." ::= { paramEntry 160 } out1ModifyPsF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1ModifyPsF MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow the output to convert to/from a segmented frame video standard.
This setting will only be applied if the input video standard matches the selected conversion (e.g. P to PsF requires a progressive input video standard)" ::= { paramEntry 161 } out2DelayFrames OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2 delay in frames. Combine with Out2/DelayLines and Out2/DelayPixel for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 162 } out2DelayLines OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2 delay in lines. Combine with Out2/DelayFrames and Out2/DelayPixel for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 163 } out2DelayPixel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2 delay in pixel. Combine with Out2/DelayFrames and Out2/DelayLines for total delay" ::= { paramEntry 164 } out2DelayMs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2 user delay in milliseconds." ::= { paramEntry 165 } out2ApertureEnable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: enable aperture correction" ::= { paramEntry 166 } out2ApertureLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: aperture correction level" ::= { paramEntry 167 } out2HBlank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: enable H-Blanking" ::= { paramEntry 168 } out2VBlank OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: enable V-Blanking" ::= { paramEntry 169 } out2Gain OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: adjust Video Gain" ::= { paramEntry 170 } out2Saturation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: adjust video Saturation" ::= { paramEntry 171 } out2BlackLevel OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: adjust video black level (in IRE)" ::= { paramEntry 172 } out2Hue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: adjust video Hue" ::= { paramEntry 173 } out2TestPatternSelect OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1TestPatternSelect MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: test pattern preselection. Will be used when test pattern is switched on, or on auto-freeze" ::= { paramEntry 174 } out2TestPatternStd OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1TestPatternStd MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: test pattern standard.
This is only relevant when explicitly switching the test pattern ON (parameter Out2/Test/PatternOn).Otherwise (in case of automatic freeze-to-pattern), the last input standard will be used." ::= { paramEntry 175 } out2TestPatternOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: enable preselected test pattern" ::= { paramEntry 176 } out2IfNoInput OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1IfNoInput MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: specify image content if input is missing.
Setting this switch to test pattern will generate the preselected pattern if input is missing." ::= { paramEntry 177 } out2ModifyPsF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1ModifyPsF MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow the output to convert to/from a segmented frame video standard.
This setting will only be applied if the input video standard matches the selected conversion (e.g. P to PsF requires a progressive input video standard)" ::= { paramEntry 178 } temperatureMAX1617Int OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "PCB temperature (MAX1617) in C" ::= { paramEntry 181 } temperatureMAX1617Ext OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "FPGA temperature in C" ::= { paramEntry 182 } delayPulseAssign OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeDelayPulseAssign MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Assign the Delay Pulse Output to one of the SDI Outputs. The generated Delay Pulse will represent the exact amount of time that the video signal on this output has been delayed from SDI-Input to SDI-Output." ::= { paramEntry 183 } presetsGPIOn OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePresetsGPIOn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select user preset that will be activated when GPI is On. That applies only if GPI Influence is set to switch User presets." ::= { paramEntry 184 } presetsGPIOff OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePresetsGPIOn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select user preset that will be activated when GPI is Off. That applies only if GPI Influence is set to switch User presets." ::= { paramEntry 185 } genLockStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeGenLockStatus MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Lock-Status of LMH1982" ::= { paramEntry 186 } inputToRefDelay1H OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Horizontal delay between Input 1 and Reference" ::= { paramEntry 187 } inputToRefDelay1V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Vertical delay between Input 1 and Reference" ::= { paramEntry 188 } inputToRefDelay2H OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "InputToRefDelay2H" ::= { paramEntry 189 } inputToRefDelay2V OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "InputToRefDelay2V" ::= { paramEntry 190 } audioContentSDI11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.1" ::= { paramEntry 191 } audioContentSDI12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.2" ::= { paramEntry 192 } audioContentSDI13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.3" ::= { paramEntry 193 } audioContentSDI14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.4" ::= { paramEntry 194 } audioContentSDI15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.5" ::= { paramEntry 195 } audioContentSDI16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.6" ::= { paramEntry 196 } audioContentSDI17 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.7" ::= { paramEntry 197 } audioContentSDI18 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Set the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.8" ::= { paramEntry 198 } audioContentStatusSDI11 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.1" ::= { paramEntry 199 } audioContentStatusSDI12 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.2" ::= { paramEntry 200 } audioContentStatusSDI13 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.3" ::= { paramEntry 201 } audioContentStatusSDI14 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.4" ::= { paramEntry 202 } audioContentStatusSDI15 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.5" ::= { paramEntry 203 } audioContentStatusSDI16 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.6" ::= { paramEntry 204 } audioContentStatusSDI17 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.7" ::= { paramEntry 205 } audioContentStatusSDI18 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Shows the audio content type of SDI-audio group 1.8" ::= { paramEntry 206 } out1MetaLineSelectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify mode of operation for selecting ANC-lines for insertion of MetaData into Output 1. By default (automatic) the selections will be chosen according to appropriate standard recommendations. In manual mode, you are fully responsible for compliance with the current video standard." ::= { paramEntry 207 } out1MetaS352Insertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaS352Insertion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of SMPTE 352 (VPID) at Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 208 } out1MetaAFDLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of AFD data packet into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 209 } out1MetaCCCDPLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 210 } out1MetaCCRAWLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 211 } out1MetaS2020Line OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of SMPTE2020 data packets into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 212 } out1MetaS2031WSTLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify first video line for insertion of SMPTE2031 WST (teletext) data packets into Output 1. There are multiple such packets per video field/frame. Usually, the amount of data requires more than one video line for insertion of all data packets. This parameter specifies the first line for insertion of such data packets. Please expect addtional data packets in the following line also" ::= { paramEntry 213 } out1MetaOP47WSTLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify first video line for insertion of OP47 WST (teletext) data packets into Output 1. There are multiple such packets per video field/frame. Usually, the amount of data requires more than one video line for insertion of all data packets. This parameter specifies the first line for insertion of such data packets. Please expect addtional data packets in the following line also" ::= { paramEntry 214 } out1MetaATCLTCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of ATC-LTC data packets into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 215 } out1MetaATCVITCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of ATC-VITC data packets into Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 216 } out1MetaATCLTCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if ATC-LTC data packets are inserted as HANC or VANC packets at Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 217 } out1MetaATCVITCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if ATC-VITC data packets are inserted as HANC or VANC packets at Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 218 } out2MetaLineSelectionMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify mode of operation for selecting ANC-lines for insertion of MetaData into Output 2. By default (automatic) the selections will be chosen according to appropriate standard recommendations. In manual mode, you are fully responsible for compliance with the current video standard." ::= { paramEntry 221 } out2MetaS352Insertion OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaS352Insertion MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Enable insertion of SMPTE 352 (VPID) at Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 222 } out2MetaAFDLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of AFD data packet into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 223 } out2MetaCCCDPLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 224 } out2MetaCCRAWLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 225 } out2MetaS2020Line OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of SMPTE2020 data packets into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 226 } out2MetaS2031WSTLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify first video line for insertion of SMPTE2031 WST (teletext) data packets into Output 2. There are multiple such packets per video field/frame. Usually, the amount of data requires more than one video line for insertion of all data packets. This parameter specifies the first line for insertion of such data packets. Please expect addtional data packets in the following line also" ::= { paramEntry 227 } out2MetaOP47WSTLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify first video line for insertion of OP47 WST (teletext) data packets into Output 2. There are multiple such packets per video field/frame. Usually, the amount of data requires more than one video line for insertion of all data packets. This parameter specifies the first line for insertion of such data packets. Please expect addtional data packets in the following line also" ::= { paramEntry 228 } out2MetaATCLTCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of ATC-LTC data packets into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 229 } out2MetaATCVITCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaAFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify video line for insertion of ATC-VITC data packets into Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 230 } out2MetaATCLTCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if ATC-LTC data packets are inserted as HANC or VANC packets at Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 231 } out2MetaATCVITCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify if ATC-VITC data packets are inserted as HANC or VANC packets at Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 232 } sDIIn1StatusAFD OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1StatusAFD MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected AFD code on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 235 } sDIIn1StatusWSS OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1StatusWSS MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected WSS code on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 236 } sDIIn1StatusVI OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1StatusVI MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detected VI code on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 237 } sDIIn1AFDLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of AFD data packet on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 238 } sDIIn1CCCDPLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of CloseCaptions as S334 CDP transport packet (containing CEA-608 and CEA-708 data) on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 239 } sDIIn1CCRAWLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of CloseCaptions as S334 RAW transport packet (containing CEA-608 data) on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 240 } sDIIn1S2020Line OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of SMPTE2020 data packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 241 } sDIIn1S2031WSTFirstLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection first video line of SMPTE2031 WST (teletext) data packets on SDI input 1." ::= { paramEntry 242 } sDIIn1S2031WSTLastLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection last video line of SMPTE2031 WST (teletext) data packets on SDI input 1." ::= { paramEntry 243 } sDIIn1OP47WSTFirstLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection first video line of OP47 WST (teletext) data packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 244 } sDIIn1OP47WSTLastLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection last video line of OP47 WST (teletext) data packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 245 } sDIIn1ATCLTCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of ATC-LTC data packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 246 } sDIIn1ATCVITCLine OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1AFDLine MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Video line detection of ATC-VITC data packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 247 } sDIIn1ATCLTCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection if ATC-LTC data packets are present as HANC or VANC packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 248 } sDIIn1ATCVITCLocation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Detection if ATC-VITC data packets are present as HANC or VANC packets on SDI input 1" ::= { paramEntry 249 } sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specify if a reaction to CHANGE of format description (AFD, WSS, VI) in SDI Input 1 will follow as quickly as possible or delayed. A delayed reaction may be preferred in an environment where the incoming formate description signal is disturbed or instable." ::= { paramEntry 251 } sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnLoss OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "specify if a reaction to LOSS of format description (AFD, WSS, VI) in SDI Input 1 will follow as quickly as possible or delayed. A delayed reaction may be preferred in an environment where the incoming formate description signal is disturbed or instable" ::= { paramEntry 252 } snapToReferenceFrameLength OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When set to ON, the minimum total video processing time is set to be equal to the length of one video-frame of the reference standard. E.g. synchronizing a 720p50 SDI to a 625 REF will delay the SDI by minimum 40ms (instead of 20ms).This mode can only be used with synchronous SDI inputs.The default value is OFF." ::= { paramEntry 253 } out1ClipHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: Clips Y code values outside the range of 40h to 3ACh and Cr, Cb code values outside the range of 40h to 3C0h." ::= { paramEntry 254 } out2ClipHeadroom OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: Clips Y code values outside the range of 40h to 3ACh and Cr, Cb code values outside the range of 40h to 3C0h." ::= { paramEntry 255 } out1FixedProcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: Set the video processing time to a fixed value, independent of the current mode of operation" ::= { paramEntry 256 } out2FixedProcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: Set the video processing time to a fixed value, independent of the current mode of operation" ::= { paramEntry 257 } out1DelayMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1DelayMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select delay mode of SDI Out 1" ::= { paramEntry 258 } out2DelayMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1DelayMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select delay mode of SDI Out 2" ::= { paramEntry 259 } out1FreezeMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1FreezeMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 1: specify freeze mode if input is missing." ::= { paramEntry 260 } out2FreezeMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1FreezeMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SDI Out 2: specify freeze mode if input is missing." ::= { paramEntry 261 } out1EmbedBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1EmbedBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the signal of output 1 is coming from the converter and the output format is SDTV, this switch allows to force the re-embedded audio data to 20 Bit. By default (setting = auto), the audio is re-embedded with the same bit-size as the audio that is available on the input. Note: this switch has no effect if this SDI-output is not coming from the converter, or if the output format is not SDTV." ::= { paramEntry 262 } out2EmbedBits OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1EmbedBits MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "When the signal of output 2 is coming from the converter and the output format is SDTV, this switch allows to force the re-embedded audio data to 20 Bit. By default (setting = auto), the audio is re-embedded with the same bit-size as the audio that is available on the input. Note: this switch has no effect if this SDI-output is not coming from the converter, or if the output format is not SDTV." ::= { paramEntry 263 } conv3COCOGainG OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gain adjustment for GREEN channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 264 } conv3COCOGainB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gain adjustment for BLUE channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 265 } conv3COCOGainR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gain adjustment for RED channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 266 } conv3COCOOffsetG OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offset adjustment for GREEN channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 267 } conv3COCOOffsetB OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offset adjustment for BLUE channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 268 } conv3COCOOffsetR OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue1 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Offset adjustment for RED channel as part of the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler." ::= { paramEntry 269 } conv3COCOGangGains OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gang-Mode: Couple all color correction gain values (modify all gain controls synchronously)" ::= { paramEntry 270 } conv3COCOGangOffsets OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Gang-Mode: Couple all color correction offset values
(modify all offset controls synchronously)" ::= { paramEntry 271 } conv3COCOMode OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeConv3COCOMode MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Specify operation mode for the ColorCorrection stage in the LYNX HiQ Scaler. - Gain & Offset (default) : Offset is applied as linear addition to the signal - Peak & Black: Black Adjustment is applied to signal non-linearily. This avoids overlevels resp. clipping." ::= { paramEntry 272 } out1TotalProcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show the total delay comprising the processing time and the user delay
on the used path from SDI Input to SDI Output 1" ::= { paramEntry 273 } out2TotalProcTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX FixedPointValue3 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Show the total delay comprising the processing time and the user delay
on the used path from SDI Input to SDI Output 2" ::= { paramEntry 274 } sDIIn1SourceType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeSDIIn1SourceType MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select Source for SDI input 1 from electrical or optical connector" ::= { paramEntry 275 } conv3LockImgConvSettings OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OnOffValue MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Prevent from automatic reconfiguration of image converter settings in HiQ Scaler. Otherwise (OFF) the converter will automatically re-configure the settings for output video format and scaling windows on a change of the detected signal frequency. Enabling this option disables the manual selection of output format and image cropping and positioning. The default setting is OFF." ::= { paramEntry 276 } presetsNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "maximum number of user presets" ::= { paramEntry 277 } presetsActive OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePresetsGPIOn MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Select the Active Preset.
NOTE: manual modifications to individual processing parameters are only possible if the Active Preset is set to #0. You can load any Preset into #0 (aka Current) and make the required modifications there." ::= { paramEntry 278 } presetsSaveAs OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePresetsSaveAs MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "saves the current user settings as a user preset, that saved user preset can be later loaded again into the current settings" ::= { paramEntry 279 } presetsLoadToCurrent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypePresetsSaveAs MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "loads selected user preset into the current user settings, all actual user changes will be lost" ::= { paramEntry 280 } presetsName0 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 0" ::= { paramEntry 281 } presetsName1 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 1" ::= { paramEntry 282 } presetsName2 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 2" ::= { paramEntry 283 } presetsName3 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 3" ::= { paramEntry 284 } presetsName4 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 4" ::= { paramEntry 285 } presetsName5 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 5" ::= { paramEntry 286 } presetsName6 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 6" ::= { paramEntry 287 } presetsName7 OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "name of user preset 7" ::= { paramEntry 288 } out1FrameSyncCompensation OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Frame Sync Compensation" ::= { paramEntry 291 } boardID OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Integer32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "BoardID" ::= { paramEntry 293 } eventReferenceNoInputSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: Reference No Input" ::= { paramEntry 294 } eventSDIInput1NoInputSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: SDI Input 1 No Input" ::= { paramEntry 295 } eventSDIInput2NoInputSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: SDI Input 2 No Input" ::= { paramEntry 296 } eventFanFailureSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: Fan Failure" ::= { paramEntry 297 } eventHighTemperatureSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: High Temperature" ::= { paramEntry 298 } eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1SNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: Could not lock to SDI Input 1" ::= { paramEntry 299 } eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2SNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: Could not lock to SDI Input 2" ::= { paramEntry 300 } eventCouldnotlocktoReferenceSNMP OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "SNMP Trap for Event: Could not lock to Reference" ::= { paramEntry 301 } conv3InputStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeInputStatusSDI1 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Display signal format of input - Converter 3" ::= { paramEntry 302 } conv3InSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conv 3 Input Image Size (pixels)" ::= { paramEntry 303 } conv3OutSize OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conv 3 Output Image Size (pixels)" ::= { paramEntry 304 } sNumber OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Serial Number" ::= { paramEntry 305 } out3ModifyPsF OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TypeOut1ModifyPsF MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Allow the output to convert to/from a segmented frame video standard.
This setting will only be applied if the input video standard matches the selected conversion (e.g. P to PsF requires a progressive input video standard)" ::= { paramEntry 306 } -- Parameter table paramTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Table of PIE5810-O-OW parameters" ::= { sw403 1 } paramEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX ParamEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A row in the table of PIE5810-O-OW parameters" INDEX { IMPLIED position } ::= { paramTable 1 } ParamEntry ::= SEQUENCE { typeName DisplayString, displayName DisplayString, position OCTET STRING, uptime TimeTicks, type DisplayString, version DisplayString, statusColor TypeStatusColor, statusColorRGB DisplayString, statusText DisplayString, factoryReset TypeFactoryReset, lock OnOffValue, locate OnOffValue, eventReferenceNoInput OnOffValue, eventSDIInput1NoInput OnOffValue, eventSDIInput2NoInput OnOffValue, eventFanFailure OnOffValue, eventHighTemperature OnOffValue, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1 OnOffValue, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2 OnOffValue, eventCouldnotlocktoReference OnOffValue, channel2CoupleTo1 OnOffValue, freq TypeFreq, gPIFunc TypeGPIFunc, inputStatusSDI1 TypeInputStatusSDI1, conv3ControlMode TypeConv3ControlMode, conv3AspectInSelect TypeConv3AspectInSelect, conv3AspectIn TypeConv3AspectInSelect, conv3FormatOut TypeConv3FormatOut, conv3StatusOut TypeConv3StatusOut, conv3Mode TypeConv3Mode, conv3AdvancedSettings OnOffValue, conv3OutInsertAFD OnOffValue, conv3OutInsertVI OnOffValue, conv3OutInsertWSS OnOffValue, conv3StatusIn TypeConv3StatusOut, conv3CropHpos Integer32, conv3CropVpos Integer32, conv3CropHsize Integer32, conv3CropVsize Integer32, conv3InsertHpos Integer32, conv3InsertVpos Integer32, conv3InsertHsize Integer32, conv3InsertVsize Integer32, conv3MotionAdaptive OnOffValue, conv3NRGeneral Integer32, conv3NRBlockArtifact Integer32, conv3NRMosquito Integer32, conv3DetailLevel Integer32, conv3DetailThreshold Integer32, conv3MetaAdvancedSettings OnOffValue, conv3MetaCCSourceDefaultPriorities OnOffValue, conv3MetaTCSourceDefaultPriorities OnOffValue, conv3MetaAFDInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaVIInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaWSSInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPInsertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCRAWOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaCCRAWInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaCCRAWInsertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCL21OutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaCCL21InStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaCCL21Insertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCLTCInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaTCLTCInsertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCVITCInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaTCVITCInsertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCInsertion OnOffValue, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio1 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio2 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio3 TypeConv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCLTCOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaTCVITCOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCAOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCBOutStatus TypeConv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625 TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination625 TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination525 TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination525 TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCADetectedSrcLine Integer32, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDetectedSrcLine Integer32, conv3MetaTCVITCDetectedDVITCLine Integer32, conv3MetaTCDVITCAutomatic OnOffValue, conv3MetaTXTWSTInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaTXTS2031InStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaTXTOP47InStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaTXTEncoderMode TypeConv3MetaTXTEncoderMode, conv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode, conv3MetaField1Overflow TypeConv3MetaField1Overflow, conv3MetaField2Overflow TypeConv3MetaField1Overflow, conv3MetaSMPTE2020Status TypeConv3MetaSMPTE2020Status, conv3MetaSMPTE2020Insertion OnOffValue, conv3ModeAutoARto169 TypeConv3ModeAutoARto169, conv3ModeAutoARto43 TypeConv3ModeAutoARto169, conv3InsertAFDFullFrame169 TypeConv3InsertAFDFullFrame169, conv3ModeAutoFallback TypeConv3ModeAutoFallback, sDIIn1TXTWSTInStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TXTS2031InStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TXTOP47InStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TXTDecoderMode TypeSDIIn1TXTDecoderMode, sDIIn1TCDVITCASource625 TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625, sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource625 TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625, sDIIn1TCDVITCASource525 TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625, sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource525 TypeSDIIn1TCDVITCASource625, sDIIn1CCCDPStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1CCRAWStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1CCL21Status TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TCLTCStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TCVITCStatus TypeConv3MetaAFDInStatus, sDIIn1TCDVITCStatus TypeConv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus, out1Assign TypeOut1Assign, out1Standard TypeConv3StatusOut, out2Assign TypeOut1Assign, out2Standard TypeConv3StatusOut, out1DelayFrames Integer32, out1DelayLines Integer32, out1DelayPixel Integer32, out1DelayMs FixedPointValue3, out1ApertureEnable OnOffValue, out1ApertureLevel Integer32, out1HBlank OnOffValue, out1VBlank OnOffValue, out1Gain Integer32, out1Saturation Integer32, out1BlackLevel FixedPointValue1, out1Hue FixedPointValue1, out1TestPatternSelect TypeOut1TestPatternSelect, out1TestPatternStd TypeOut1TestPatternStd, out1TestPatternOn OnOffValue, out1IfNoInput TypeOut1IfNoInput, out1ModifyPsF TypeOut1ModifyPsF, out2DelayFrames Integer32, out2DelayLines Integer32, out2DelayPixel Integer32, out2DelayMs FixedPointValue3, out2ApertureEnable OnOffValue, out2ApertureLevel Integer32, out2HBlank OnOffValue, out2VBlank OnOffValue, out2Gain Integer32, out2Saturation Integer32, out2BlackLevel FixedPointValue1, out2Hue FixedPointValue1, out2TestPatternSelect TypeOut1TestPatternSelect, out2TestPatternStd TypeOut1TestPatternStd, out2TestPatternOn OnOffValue, out2IfNoInput TypeOut1IfNoInput, out2ModifyPsF TypeOut1ModifyPsF, temperatureMAX1617Int Integer32, temperatureMAX1617Ext Integer32, delayPulseAssign TypeDelayPulseAssign, presetsGPIOn TypePresetsGPIOn, presetsGPIOff TypePresetsGPIOn, genLockStatus TypeGenLockStatus, inputToRefDelay1H Integer32, inputToRefDelay1V Integer32, inputToRefDelay2H Integer32, inputToRefDelay2V Integer32, audioContentSDI11 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI12 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI13 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI14 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI15 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI16 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI17 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI18 TypeAudioContentSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI11 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI12 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI13 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI14 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI15 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI16 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI17 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI18 TypeAudioContentStatusSDI11, out1MetaLineSelectionMode TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode, out1MetaS352Insertion TypeOut1MetaS352Insertion, out1MetaAFDLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaCCCDPLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaCCRAWLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaS2020Line TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaS2031WSTLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaOP47WSTLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaATCLTCLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaATCVITCLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaATCLTCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, out1MetaATCVITCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, out2MetaLineSelectionMode TypeConv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode, out2MetaS352Insertion TypeOut1MetaS352Insertion, out2MetaAFDLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaCCCDPLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaCCRAWLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaS2020Line TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaS2031WSTLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaOP47WSTLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaATCLTCLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaATCVITCLine TypeOut1MetaAFDLine, out2MetaATCLTCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, out2MetaATCVITCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, sDIIn1StatusAFD TypeSDIIn1StatusAFD, sDIIn1StatusWSS TypeSDIIn1StatusWSS, sDIIn1StatusVI TypeSDIIn1StatusVI, sDIIn1AFDLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1CCCDPLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1CCRAWLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1S2020Line TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1S2031WSTFirstLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1S2031WSTLastLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1OP47WSTFirstLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1OP47WSTLastLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1ATCLTCLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1ATCVITCLine TypeSDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1ATCLTCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, sDIIn1ATCVITCLocation TypeOut1MetaATCLTCLocation, sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange TypeSDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange, sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnLoss TypeSDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange, snapToReferenceFrameLength OnOffValue, out1ClipHeadroom OnOffValue, out2ClipHeadroom OnOffValue, out1FixedProcTime OnOffValue, out2FixedProcTime OnOffValue, out1DelayMode TypeOut1DelayMode, out2DelayMode TypeOut1DelayMode, out1FreezeMode TypeOut1FreezeMode, out2FreezeMode TypeOut1FreezeMode, out1EmbedBits TypeOut1EmbedBits, out2EmbedBits TypeOut1EmbedBits, conv3COCOGainG FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOGainB FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOGainR FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOOffsetG FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOOffsetB FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOOffsetR FixedPointValue1, conv3COCOGangGains OnOffValue, conv3COCOGangOffsets OnOffValue, conv3COCOMode TypeConv3COCOMode, out1TotalProcTime FixedPointValue3, out2TotalProcTime FixedPointValue3, sDIIn1SourceType TypeSDIIn1SourceType, conv3LockImgConvSettings OnOffValue, presetsNumber Integer32, presetsActive TypePresetsGPIOn, presetsSaveAs TypePresetsSaveAs, presetsLoadToCurrent TypePresetsSaveAs, presetsName0 DisplayString, presetsName1 DisplayString, presetsName2 DisplayString, presetsName3 DisplayString, presetsName4 DisplayString, presetsName5 DisplayString, presetsName6 DisplayString, presetsName7 DisplayString, out1FrameSyncCompensation Integer32, boardID Integer32, eventReferenceNoInputSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventSDIInput1NoInputSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventSDIInput2NoInputSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventFanFailureSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventHighTemperatureSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1SNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2SNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoReferenceSNMP TypeEventReferenceNoInputSNMP, conv3InputStatus TypeInputStatusSDI1, conv3InSize DisplayString, conv3OutSize DisplayString, sNumber DisplayString, out3ModifyPsF TypeOut1ModifyPsF } -- Conformance statements conformance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance declaration of PIE5810-O-OW" ::= { sw403 2 } paramGroup OBJECT-GROUP OBJECTS { typeName, displayName, position, uptime, type, version, statusColor, statusColorRGB, statusText, factoryReset, lock, locate, eventReferenceNoInput, eventSDIInput1NoInput, eventSDIInput2NoInput, eventFanFailure, eventHighTemperature, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2, eventCouldnotlocktoReference, channel2CoupleTo1, freq, gPIFunc, inputStatusSDI1, conv3ControlMode, conv3AspectInSelect, conv3AspectIn, conv3FormatOut, conv3StatusOut, conv3Mode, conv3AdvancedSettings, conv3OutInsertAFD, conv3OutInsertVI, conv3OutInsertWSS, conv3StatusIn, conv3CropHpos, conv3CropVpos, conv3CropHsize, conv3CropVsize, conv3InsertHpos, conv3InsertVpos, conv3InsertHsize, conv3InsertVsize, conv3MotionAdaptive, conv3NRGeneral, conv3NRBlockArtifact, conv3NRMosquito, conv3DetailLevel, conv3DetailThreshold, conv3MetaAdvancedSettings, conv3MetaCCSourceDefaultPriorities, conv3MetaTCSourceDefaultPriorities, conv3MetaAFDInStatus, conv3MetaVIInStatus, conv3MetaWSSInStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPOutStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPInStatus, conv3MetaCCCDPInsertion, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCCDPSourcePrio3, conv3MetaCCRAWOutStatus, conv3MetaCCRAWInStatus, conv3MetaCCRAWInsertion, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCRAWSourcePrio3, conv3MetaCCL21OutStatus, conv3MetaCCL21InStatus, conv3MetaCCL21Insertion, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio1, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio2, conv3MetaCCL21SourcePrio3, conv3MetaTCLTCInStatus, conv3MetaTCLTCInsertion, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCLTCSourcePrio3, conv3MetaTCVITCInStatus, conv3MetaTCVITCInsertion, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCVITCSourcePrio3, conv3MetaTCDVITCInStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCInsertion, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio1, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio2, conv3MetaTCDVITCSourcePrio3, conv3MetaTCLTCOutStatus, conv3MetaTCVITCOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCAOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCBOutStatus, conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination625, conv3MetaTCDVITCADestination525, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDestination525, conv3MetaTCDVITCADetectedSrcLine, conv3MetaTCDVITCBDetectedSrcLine, conv3MetaTCVITCDetectedDVITCLine, conv3MetaTCDVITCAutomatic, conv3MetaTXTWSTInStatus, conv3MetaTXTS2031InStatus, conv3MetaTXTOP47InStatus, conv3MetaTXTEncoderMode, conv3MetaTXTLinesSelectionMode, conv3MetaField1Overflow, conv3MetaField2Overflow, conv3MetaSMPTE2020Status, conv3MetaSMPTE2020Insertion, conv3ModeAutoARto169, conv3ModeAutoARto43, conv3InsertAFDFullFrame169, conv3ModeAutoFallback, sDIIn1TXTWSTInStatus, sDIIn1TXTS2031InStatus, sDIIn1TXTOP47InStatus, sDIIn1TXTDecoderMode, sDIIn1TCDVITCASource625, sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource625, sDIIn1TCDVITCASource525, sDIIn1TCDVITCBSource525, sDIIn1CCCDPStatus, sDIIn1CCRAWStatus, sDIIn1CCL21Status, sDIIn1TCLTCStatus, sDIIn1TCVITCStatus, sDIIn1TCDVITCStatus, out1Assign, out1Standard, out2Assign, out2Standard, out1DelayFrames, out1DelayLines, out1DelayPixel, out1DelayMs, out1ApertureEnable, out1ApertureLevel, out1HBlank, out1VBlank, out1Gain, out1Saturation, out1BlackLevel, out1Hue, out1TestPatternSelect, out1TestPatternStd, out1TestPatternOn, out1IfNoInput, out1ModifyPsF, out2DelayFrames, out2DelayLines, out2DelayPixel, out2DelayMs, out2ApertureEnable, out2ApertureLevel, out2HBlank, out2VBlank, out2Gain, out2Saturation, out2BlackLevel, out2Hue, out2TestPatternSelect, out2TestPatternStd, out2TestPatternOn, out2IfNoInput, out2ModifyPsF, temperatureMAX1617Int, temperatureMAX1617Ext, delayPulseAssign, presetsGPIOn, presetsGPIOff, genLockStatus, inputToRefDelay1H, inputToRefDelay1V, inputToRefDelay2H, inputToRefDelay2V, audioContentSDI11, audioContentSDI12, audioContentSDI13, audioContentSDI14, audioContentSDI15, audioContentSDI16, audioContentSDI17, audioContentSDI18, audioContentStatusSDI11, audioContentStatusSDI12, audioContentStatusSDI13, audioContentStatusSDI14, audioContentStatusSDI15, audioContentStatusSDI16, audioContentStatusSDI17, audioContentStatusSDI18, out1MetaLineSelectionMode, out1MetaS352Insertion, out1MetaAFDLine, out1MetaCCCDPLine, out1MetaCCRAWLine, out1MetaS2020Line, out1MetaS2031WSTLine, out1MetaOP47WSTLine, out1MetaATCLTCLine, out1MetaATCVITCLine, out1MetaATCLTCLocation, out1MetaATCVITCLocation, out2MetaLineSelectionMode, out2MetaS352Insertion, out2MetaAFDLine, out2MetaCCCDPLine, out2MetaCCRAWLine, out2MetaS2020Line, out2MetaS2031WSTLine, out2MetaOP47WSTLine, out2MetaATCLTCLine, out2MetaATCVITCLine, out2MetaATCLTCLocation, out2MetaATCVITCLocation, sDIIn1StatusAFD, sDIIn1StatusWSS, sDIIn1StatusVI, sDIIn1AFDLine, sDIIn1CCCDPLine, sDIIn1CCRAWLine, sDIIn1S2020Line, sDIIn1S2031WSTFirstLine, sDIIn1S2031WSTLastLine, sDIIn1OP47WSTFirstLine, sDIIn1OP47WSTLastLine, sDIIn1ATCLTCLine, sDIIn1ATCVITCLine, sDIIn1ATCLTCLocation, sDIIn1ATCVITCLocation, sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnChange, sDIIn1StatusFormatReactOnLoss, snapToReferenceFrameLength, out1ClipHeadroom, out2ClipHeadroom, out1FixedProcTime, out2FixedProcTime, out1DelayMode, out2DelayMode, out1FreezeMode, out2FreezeMode, out1EmbedBits, out2EmbedBits, conv3COCOGainG, conv3COCOGainB, conv3COCOGainR, conv3COCOOffsetG, conv3COCOOffsetB, conv3COCOOffsetR, conv3COCOGangGains, conv3COCOGangOffsets, conv3COCOMode, out1TotalProcTime, out2TotalProcTime, sDIIn1SourceType, conv3LockImgConvSettings, presetsNumber, presetsActive, presetsSaveAs, presetsLoadToCurrent, presetsName0, presetsName1, presetsName2, presetsName3, presetsName4, presetsName5, presetsName6, presetsName7, out1FrameSyncCompensation, boardID, eventReferenceNoInputSNMP, eventSDIInput1NoInputSNMP, eventSDIInput2NoInputSNMP, eventFanFailureSNMP, eventHighTemperatureSNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput1SNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoSDIInput2SNMP, eventCouldnotlocktoReferenceSNMP, conv3InputStatus, conv3InSize, conv3OutSize, sNumber, out3ModifyPsF } STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Conformance group containing all device parameters" ::= { conformance 1 } paramCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Compliance specification" MODULE -- This module MANDATORY-GROUPS { paramGroup } ::= { conformance 2 } END